Wednesday, September 9, 2015

You Haven't Seen Kpop Until You've Seen It In 60 FPS

60 FPS? What's that? FPS stands for frames per second. A higher FPS rate makes video look more fluid, while a lower rate creates a choppy video. Around a year ago, 60 FPS k-pop videos gained popularity after a Korean user uploaded a 60 FPS version of Girl's Day's 'Darling' on his blog. This MV is so smooth it makes me feel like I'm actually on set with them.

Darling MV in 60 FPS:

The video was soon posted on where other users began to create and upload their own 60 FPS music videos. Not long after that, YouTube began allowing 60 FPS video uploads, much to the delight of k-pop fans worldwide. There are even channels that upload K-pop videos in 60 FPS almost daily. Here are 2 channels with a large amount of uploads:

Check out the mind-blowing smoothness for yourself!

AOA's Like A Cat MV in 60 FPS

U-KISS - Don't Flirt MV In 60 FPS

With 60 FPS, K-pop music videos have entered an entirely new, amazing realm of visual stimulation. But there's more! In addition to music videos, many fancams are filmed in native 60 FPS, while most music videos are interpolated, which means that extra frames were added inbetween existing frames after filming. 

Here's a live fancam of Fiestar filmed in native 60 FPS: 

Fiestar Jei - You're Pitiful 60 FPS fancam

Mindblowing, right? Popular fancammers incude Spinel and Pharkil. In fact, some groups are known mostly from fancams, like Bambino. 

60 FPS is not without it's detractors, however. While most are fine with 60 FPS fancams, some take issue with 60 FPS music videos because the conversion process often leaves unwanted artifacts to show up and can lower the resolution.

Whatever the case, I'm going to continue enjoying ultra-smooth videos in 60 FPS.

Upload your own audio, listen to others, and share your records with the world:

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