Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Philippines Miss Universe 2015 Is MARRIED To Super Junior Siwon?

If you've been on the internet any time in the past 24 hours, you've probably heard about the Miss Universe 2015 winner announcement mixup where Miss Colombia was accidentally declared as the winner.

The actual winner, Miss Philippines, is apparently Super Junior Siwon's imaginary wife, according to a series of tweets she made back in 2009:

Okay, so she's not actually his husband. But she's a huge Suju and Siwon fan. I bet he would be pleased to know.

Now listen to some Super Junior:

1 comment:

  1. Oh and these are the only ones in English..lol.. There's one in Tagalog where she says that the moment she saw him, she said it's him shes going to marry. She put joke and laughed.
