At midnight on November 18th, BTS released a 2-minute long animated trailer for 'Never Mind', featuring rapper Suga. Although the video is labeled "comeback trailer", it feels like a music video due to the length and Suga's powerful raps. The lyrics are written from Suga's point of view and tell the story of the 22-year-old rapper growing up, maturing, overcoming hardships and criticism, and becoming a famous rapper.
Included among the poignant lyrics is a description of how Suga was warned that following his passion for music would destroy his family and his life. He ends that verse by with a hard-hitting rebuttal by rhetorically stating, "I want to ask the people who thought I would screw up, does it seem like I ruined my life, you bastards?"
Suga also posted on the BTS official Twitter account, stating, "It feels real now, doesn't it?" after the teaser was released.
BTS will release their upcoming mini-album "In the mood for love pt. 2" at midnight on November 30th. However, fans will have the opportunity to get a glimpse of the album at the the upcoming '2015 BTS LIVE - In the mood for love on stage' concert from November 27th-29th. At that concert, they will perform songs from their upcoming for the first time.
Check out the teaser video!
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